A man abused police officers during his arrest at the scene of a stabbing in Swindon.
31-year-old Michael Gibson was detained in connection with a knife assault at an address in Whitworth Road, Pinehurst, at around 8am on 1 October this year.
As the defendant, of Hawthorn Avenue, was handcuffed and led away from the crime scene by officers, he verbally abused abused them in the street whilst giving resistance.
Prosecutor Pauline Lambert said: “He tells the officers he wanted to have a cigarette, when that’s refused he becomes more aggressive… he’s calling the police officers c***s and using the word f***ing.
“He became more aggressive because he didn’t have his phone. He was shouting where the f*** is my phone.
“He’s told to stop swearing, he’s says he doesn’t give a flying f*** you f***ing c***.”
Gibson was put into a police van and continued to shout abusive words towards the officers – before kicking the cage and then spitting in it, which left it needing a thorough clean.
In custody, officers had to use force to restrain him in a holding cell.
At the stabbing scene, a man – aged in his 20s – was rushed to hospital. At the time, police said his injuries were serious but not physically life-threatening or life-changing.
At Swindon Magistrates’ Court on 1 November, the man – who is already serving a community order for criminal damage – pleaded guilty to a Section 5 Public Order Act offence and criminal damage.
Representing himself in the dock, Gibson said: “Yeah, I’m guilty as charged sadly; I do feel terrible about it, I’d had a lot of drinks. Alcohol is my worst enemy, it’s the reason I’ve been in court throughout my entire adult life.
“I am addressing it, I am looking to get into rehab very soon. Probation is supportive of that, I’ve been on probation for the last several months and I’ve been actively working with them, I’d say really well.
“I’m hoping to get into rehab within this month because I’m struggling with addiction. I’m in the process of applying for the Christian rehab, which is going to run for a year.”
Magistrate Natalie O’Connell said: “The details of the offence are not nice to hear, you know that. From the man who presents to us in court today and the man that’s been described here, there’s a big difference.
“I wouldn’t want to be anywhere near the man that was arrested, if I’m honest.”
Taking into account that Gibson is due to go into rehab, the bench imposed a fine of £80 and told him to pay compensation of £35 to Wiltshire Police for the cleaning of their van cage.
Wiltshire Police previously confirmed that the defendant was identified as the stabbing suspect, however, he was released with no further action.
A force spokesperson said: “While we can’t comment on the specifics of the investigation, please rest assured that officers carefully assess the circumstances of each case and the investigating officer will make a decision on whether a case should be referred to the CPS for a charging decision accordingly.
“Knife crime remains a Force priority under Chief Constable Catherine Roper and we continue to take proactive action and use a range of enforcement, prevention and engagement tactics to combat it.”