Wiltshire 999s takes editorial complaints seriously. Whilst we are not regulated, we are committed to adhering to rules and regulations set out by the Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO) – known as the Editors’ Code of Practice.
If you would like to make us aware of a typographical error or inaccuracy that needs amending urgently, contact the newsdesk directly.
If your complaints relates to the publication of a court story, we strongly advise you to read our court reporting and open justice page – which confirms what we, as press, can publish.
If you still wish to make a formal complaint, you must follow the process detailed below. If you fail to provide the information required, we will not progress your complaint. We cannot take complaints via phone, message or social media.
How to complain:
You can submit your complaint in writing to [email protected] in accordance with the following to ensure your complaint is dealt with as quickly as possible:
◾ All complaints must include the headline and date of the specific article in question
◾ You must include the URL of the article, and/or link to any image or video
◾ A detailed description of the complaint, with reference to specific words, phrases, images, instances, dates and records that are relevant, and which clauses of the Editors’ Code of Practice you believe the publication has breached
◾ You must provide your full name, address, phone number and email address
Who can complain?
◾ Where the complaint relates to a person, complaints must be made by the named individual (or someone formally acting on their behalf)
◾ Where the complaint relates to a business, complaints must be made by an employee with a management role or any other person with authority to act on behalf of the business
◾ Anyone can complain about a news story if it is believed that it breaches the Editors’ Code of Practice
What can I complain about?
◾ You can complain about any article on our website or post on our official social media platforms including words, images and audio/video content
◾ You can also complain about the conduct of an individual journalist or employee of the publication in question, with reference to specific (if any) clauses of the Editors’ Code which are in breach
Time limit:
◾ Complaints must be contemporaneous and must be made within 30 days of publication, unless the delay in making the complaint is due to extenuating circumstances
◾ The publication will endeavour to respond to the complainant within 28 working days
Complaints process:
◾ If the complaint is submitted in line with the outlined, the editor will confirm receipt of the complaint within 14 working days by contacting the complainant via email
◾ All complaints will be dealt with by the editor of the publication that published the article, and/or the employer of the named individual
◾ The editor will investigate the complaint to the best of his/her ability, in respect of the Editors’ Code of Practice, and respond accordingly
◾ We reserve the right to respond to a group of similar complaints about the same subject with one response – this means that all complainants will receive the same, or very similar, communication
◾ If we uphold your complaint, we will inform you of the remedial actions taken, or to be taken
◾ All information provided to Wiltshire 999s will be handled sensitively and within the boundaries of the Data Protection Act 1998
Last updated: 8 December 2023