Police are appealing for witnesses after an armed robbery at a bookmakers in Chippenham.
The incident took place just before 9pm last night (7/9) at Coral Racing on New Road.
A man, wearing a puffa jacket with the hood up covering his face, entered the shop and went over to the counter where he produced what appears to be a firearm.
He then threatened the member of staff behind the till and demanded money.
After being given a quantity of cash, he left the store via the front door and turned right and up the hill towards the backdoor. A second man, described as white, was waiting at the backdoor.
Both then made their way back towards New Road close to Dominoes before making their way to the town centre.
A spokesperson for Wiltshire Police said: “CCTV stills of a man we would like to speak to in connection with this incident are attached.
“Anyone who might have information regarding this incident is asked to call 101 now and quote crime reference number 54190088371.”