A nurse who attacked a landlady and three police officers has avoid a prison sentence.
Shannon O’Sullivan, who is also known by the surname Dillon, assaulted four people at The Strawberry Thief pub in Tadpole Garden Village, Swindon, on 19 May last year.
The 29-year-old was told to leave by landlady Mairead Titcombe at around 10.50pm after she had started “kicking off”, prosecutor Keith Ballinger told Swindon Magistrates’ Court.
When she refused, Mrs Titcombe tried to escort her from the beer garden – but intoxicated O’Sullivan went limp and became a dead weight to avoid being moved.
She was restrained on the ground by Mrs Titcombe and other staff after flailing around with her arms and legs, and attempting to bite her. The police were called.
When the defendant claimed she was being held too tight, staff released her slightly. At that point, she managed to get a hand free and punch Mrs Titcombe in the face – breaking her £450 glasses.
When officers arrived, they took her away from pub workers to talk to her about what happened. She was aggressive towards them, shouting “f**k off… you’re a f**king c**t and you’re f***ing ugly”.
O’Sullivan was arrested for a Section 5 public order offence, but attempted to walk away. As the officers tried to stop her, she lashed out and was taken to the ground.
PC Beer was subsequently punched in the face, and both PCs Jenkins and Allen were hit as the defendant lashed out. She also dug her nails into PC Allen’s forearm.
Mr Ballinger told the court that O’Sullivan has no previous convictions, but did have a caution on her record for a similar matter.
Defence solicitor Emma Hiller said that her client was having “the worst time of her life”, and sofa surfing. She also worked as a frontline nurse during the Covid pandemic, a role it’s claimed “had a detrimental affect on her mental health”.
She said that the defendant’s employer – a Bristol hospital – and the Nursing and Midwifery Council are aware of her convictions and it “seems they are supportive” and she “hopes to maintain her employment”.
Ms Hillier added that O’Sullivan is engaging with the Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership and has “addressed a lot of the issues that led up to this incident”.
Sentencing her for an four assaults, including three on emergency workers, a public order offence and criminal damage, magistrates imposed an 18-month community order.
She must attend 20 rehabilitation activity days with the probation service, pay £450 to replace Mrs Titcombe’s glasses and £50 compensation to each police officer. The defendant, of Talbot Road, Bristol, must also pay costs and a surcharge.