A Wiltshire Police officer has been seriously injured by a youth in Trowbridge.
The PC was on patrol when they spotted a suspected drug deal in progress in Town Park at around 02:10pm yesterday (Wednesday, 30 August).
As the officer attempted to detain one of the suspects, he knocked them to the ground in a bid to flee and dragged them down an embankment.
The youth escaped, leaving the officer on the ground in pain – with a broken wrist and heavy bruising. As a result, the local policing team are down a PC.
Moments later, members of the public pointed out the fleeing suspect to a PCSO. They gave chase and he was soon arrested; he’s since been released on bail. Drugs and money were also seized.
A spokesperson for the force said: “Unfortunately we have temporarily lost a member of our Trowbridge Neighbourhoods Team from active duty following an assault on them in Trowbridge Town Park yesterday.
“Whilst on patrol in the park carrying out community engagement, our colleague came across a drug deal between some youths.
“On breaking up this deal one youth was detained and in the process of arresting him, this male has knocked our officer to the floor whilst trying to escape and dragged them down a small hill.
“The youth escaped lawful custody, leaving our officer on the floor in pain. The friends he was with also did nothing to assist our officer.
“But we would like to say a big thank you to all who pointed the male out to our PCSO who gave chase as he ran off and where he had thrown his property. Without this help we wouldn’t have been able to swiftly locate and arrest this male.
“And we wouldn’t currently have his drugs and the profits he has made from his wrong doing- all of which will be sent for destruction.
“He is now on bail as the investigation continues. The officer is recovering and we hope will be back with us soon to help keep our community safe.”