A Wiltshire Police officer has confronted a teenager who shouted a racist comment at him.
Inspector Ho Tsang, who came to UK from Hong Kong when he was a child before joining the police, was subject to the remark while dealing with an armed siege in Trowbridge late yesterday evening (Thursday, 25 August).
The teenage boy reportedly called the senior officer “PC Lee” as he walked past them.
Immediately, Inspector Tsang – who is chair of Wiltshire Ethnic Police Association – responded with words to the effect of: ‘Did you call me that because I’m Chinese?’
He went on to say words to the effect of: ‘Do you think it’s funny to make racist comments to make your friends laugh?’ and warned him that making such remarks could see him prosecuted.
Another police officer and an authorised firearms officer, carrying a rifle, surrounded the boy and his friends as their colleague addressed the matter.
A spokesperson for Wiltshire Police confirmed that the officer was “subject to an inappropriate racial comment directed towards him at the scene of an incident in Glebe Road”.
They added that Inspector Tsang “issued strong words of advice to the child”, which the force claims was “a proportionate approach in dealing with the incident”.
They also confirmed that no offences were committed and no arrests were made.