Wiltshire Police has not taken any reports of ‘alien activity’ across the county.
Following a Freedom of Information Act request, it confirmed that since January 2020 there have been “zero reports of unidentified flying object / unidentified aerial phenomena”.
RAF Rudloe Manor, located between Box and Corsham, is said to be England’s own ‘Area 51’ – reportedly a location where officials investigated reports of UFO sightings.
Crop circles regularly appear in the Wiltshire countryside, especially near Stonehenge. There are many theories about their formation, including that they relate to alien activity.
The news comes as former US intelligence officer David Grusch claims the government has “intact and partially intact” alien vehicles and has recovered “non-human bodies”.
The hearing produced no serious bombshells – nor a confirmation of alien life – but the fact that the witnesses received a major hearing before Congress was notable in and of itself, the BBC reported.