An “extremely upset and frustrated” man took knives and golf clubs to a police station after officers were not dispatched to investigate a hit-and-run he reported.
Ian Field, 51, pleaded guilty to threatening to damage or destroy property and possession of two knives in a public place at Swindon Magistrates’ Court today (7 September).
Crown prosecutor Kate Prince said the defendant called the police to report that he had been deliberately hit by a car during an argument on a service station forecourt at around 7pm on 6 May this year.
When he called the force for an update at around midnight (7 May), expecting officers to have made contact by then, they told him the case was passed to the neighbourhood policing team to follow up tomorrow.
He was described as being angry and aggressive towards the call operator. Field claimed he would arm himself with golf clubs, attend Marlborough Police Station and smash the windows. He added that he was also armed with knives and “feeling violent”.
Taking no risks, officers were tasked and sat in wait nearby. The defendant was spotted walking towards the station in George Lane, where officers immediately apprehended him.
He was found to have two golf clubs – a 9 iron and a sand wedge – and two kitchen knives, with blades of six inches and eight inches.
Field, of London Road, Marlborough, “was frustrated about the perceived lack of response” by the police to a crime he reported, Ms Prince commented.
Solicitor Richard Williams said his client cooperated with the responding police officers as soon as he saw them, owning up to the knives, which were in his pockets.
“Earlier in the day he had walked to a local garage where a dispute with a member of the public happened. In the dispute, he was hit on the forecourt by a motor car”, he told the court.
“Mr Field went home and called the police very upset about it. Due to the perceived lack of response, his emotions boiled over and he got frustrated. He set off on foot to the local police station in Marlborough.
“There was no indication he used the knives, they were in his pockets, not his hands. He was using the golf clubs to aid his mobility due to existing pelvic injuries but accepts he made the threats.
“He finds it difficult to control and regulate his emotions and got extremely upset and frustrated.
Magistrates imposed a six-month prison sentence suspended for 18 months, along with a 12-month mental health treatment requirement.
“I can guarantee you, if you don’t do what is asked of you, you will have to pack your bags and go to prison”, the chair of the bench warned Field.
He must also pay a £128 victim surcharge and £85 costs.