Thames Valley Police has stepped up patrols at lakes in Faringdon following reports of people threatening to kill or harm three otters.
Threats were made after the otters took up home at Folly Country Park, but not everyone’s a fan of the mammals – which mainly eat fish, posing a risk to fisheries.
PCSOs from Faringdon Neighbourhood Policing Team have been patrolling the area to show a visible presence and try and prevent the otters from coming to any harm.
‘We have been patrolling the local fishing ponds after reports of threats to harm the new residents… otters”, a spokesperson for the force commented.
Continuing: ‘Please be respectful to their new habitat.’
Otters have full protection under European Protected Species (EPS) and under sections 9 and 11 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981.
It’s a criminal offence to:
– Capture, kill or injure (on purpose or by not taking care)
– Damage, destroy a breeding or resting place (deliberately or by not taking care)
– Obstruct, access to their resting or sheltering places
– Possess, sell, control or transport live or dead otters