As the police begin to enforce the coronavirus lockdown laws, we’ve put together an easy-to-read exhaustive list of all the reason you are permitted to leave your home address.
As a website providing news on the COVID-19 crisis, Wiltshire 999s has been inundated with questions about trips out the house. It is important to note that if it is not included below, it is not allowed.
You can ONLY leave the house for the following reasons:
1. To shop for basic necessities like food and medical supplies for people in your own household or for someone vulnerable; this includes shopping for pet food. You are also able to shop for supplies needed to keep your home maintained (where absolutely essential), or to obtain money.
2. To take exercise either alone or with other members of their household. This does not include travelling in a motor vehicle, or taking public transport, to a location away from your home. Exercise is running, walking or cycling. Working on your allotment plot is also included as exercise.
3. To seek medical assistance.
4. To provide care or support to someone vulnerable, or provide emergency assistance.
5. To donate blood.
6. To travel for the purposes of work only where it is not possible to work or provide services from home, including voluntary or charitable roles.
7. To attend a funeral, but only when they are a member of your household or a close family member. If the deceased doesn’t have any family attending, you are able to attend as a friend.
8. To fulfill legal obligations, like attending court hearings or to take part in legal proceedings.
9. To access critical public services. You can visit childcare or educational facilities where they are still available or social services. You are able to access services provided by the Department of Wok and Pensions, or services for victims (of crime, for example).
10. To co-parent. Parents who are separated can continue their existing parenting arrangements.
11. To go to a place of worship, but only if you are a minister of religion or worship leader.
12. To move house, but only where this is absolutely necessary.
13. To avoid injury or illness or to escape a risk of harm.
Although not included in the legislation, the government says owners of animals can tend to them.
Regardless of the reasons above, if you have symptoms of coronavirus and must remain at home for seven days, or 14 as a household.
Police across the country have the power to fine citizens who are outside for reasons other than those listed in this article. If you fail to comply with their order to return home, you could be arrested.
Source: The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (England) Regulations 2020