This page has been created for our network of freelance photographers across the county who voluntarily submit content to Wiltshire 999s in return for credit and exposure.
Please do not put yourself, or any other person, at risk when creating content to submit to Wiltshire 999s. We ask that you do not attempt to enter any emergency service cordons or break any laws in order to obtain photos/video. You create content at your own risk.
- Enter any emergency service cordons – they are in place for a reason
- Ask emergency service professionals or causalities in-depth questions about the incident
- Attempt to interrupt emergency service personnel working at the scene
- Take photos while on privately owned land
- Take photos from the outer edge of an emergency service cordon
- Take photos while on public land only
- Feed back any information you find out/over-hear about the incident to a reporter
- Keep away from the incident scene – take photos from a distance if possible
- Call our newsdesk on 07794 802 940 if you have any questions while at a scene
This snippet from the College of Police will help you understand the police stance on the press:
“Reporting or filming from the scene of an incident is part of the media’s role and they should not be prevented from doing so from a public place. Police have no power or moral responsibility to stop the filming or photographing of incidents or police personnel. It is for the media to determine what is published or broadcast, not the police. Once an image has been recorded, the police have no power to seize equipment, or delete or confiscate images or footage without a court order.
“Where police have designated a cordoned area, the media must respect it in the same way as the public, unless a media facility within a cordoned area has been authorised by police. The best possible vantage point for media should be considered, providing it does not compromise operational needs.”
Remember that no one has the legal right to stop you taking photographs in a public place. You can find out more about this on the Avon and Somerset Police website here.
Important information:
Wiltshire 999s does not take responsibility for photographers who choose to create content for us. We strongly advise photographers to take out their own insurance cover.